Gmail new look

Surprise!! At the opening of my email, this morning there were a lot of changes in layout and structure of the Gmail account. Infact, Google Team announced these changes:

Overview of what's new in Gmail

A new look for Gmail
We’ve pruned our pixels and made it easier to get to Contacts and Tasks.

  • Mail, Contacts, and Tasks links have moved to the top left of Gmail.
  • Compose mail is now a button rather than a link.
  • A smaller header area puts the first message in your inbox about 16 pixels higher on the screen.
  • The Select All, None, Read, Unread, and Starred links that used to be above your messages are now options in a drop-down menu, next to the Archive button.

Updates to Contacts
We’ve also done a major overhaul to Contacts, adding a bunch of features you requested and making Contacts easier to use.

  • Contacts work a lot more like Mail. Keyboard shortcuts now work in Contacts too, and we’ve made selecting and grouping contacts more like selecting and labeling email.
  • Sort contacts by last name. Look under More actions for this option.
  • Use custom labels for phone numbers and other fields. For example, you can label a phone number as “Vacation home.” Please be aware, ActiveSync for iPhone and Blackberry Sync don’t yet support custom labels so custom labeled numbers/emails/etc. may not appear on your phone.
  • Undo. Now, when you make changes to your contacts, you can undo your recent changes.
  • Automatic saving. You no longer need to worry about “edit” mode or “view” mode -- just edit away and Gmail will save your changes.
  • Structured name fields. You can now set name components (i.e. Title, First, Middle, Last and Suffix) explicitly or continue to use the name field as a free form area if you prefer a less structured approach.
  • Manual and bulk contact merge. You can now merge contacts from the More actions menu. Just select the contacts you’d like to merge and select Merge contacts from under the More actions menu. Or, to get a list of suggestions for contacts to merge, select Find and merge duplicates.

What is not reported here is the link in Contacts to directly see "Other Contacts", that are those contacts that Gmail suggests to you because you wrote to them at least one time. In the past, you had to scroll down to the whole contacts' list to find them... now it is more simple and you can quickly decide if add them to My Contacts or delete them.

BTW, I need more than just few minutes to find possible bugs or bad structure decisions: using it is the best way to check new Gmail, wondering for more Gmail free space.


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